Friday, December 4, 2015

My Top Christmas Songs...Soulville Style

I don't know why its so hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit.  Maybe its the 70+ degree weather we've been having lately.  Maybe its the fact that I can go to work in the morning without a jacket on.  Maybe its the fact that I can sleep with my ceiling fan on low because the house is warmed throughout the day from the warm weather.

During our Thanksgiving festivities,  my cousin wanted to watch the Hallmark channel, but was out numbered by the rest of us who wanted to watch "regular" TV.  I just couldn't bring myself to watch any Christmas specials.  Although, I've been singing the Baby It's Cold Outside commercial featuring Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga. I love the little jingle and that was all the Christmas in me for the moment.  I'm no bah humbug or anything, but it's really not looking or feeling a lot like Christmas around here.

This afternoon,  I went to Marshall's and as soon as you enter the door you are faced with all of their Christmas specials. So after I found the umbrella I needed, I began to wander around the store, humming a tune or two of Christmas lyrics.  Yikes...the bug is starting to get to me!!!

After posting to my usual weekly link parties, I came across Rosilind Jukic's post about her top 5 Christmas albums.  That little bug started stirring in my ears as I began to read her post.  The next thing I know, the sound of Silent Night by The Temptations  began to buzz in my head and I began to think of my favorite Christmas songs.  So, I've decided to share with you my own Christmas playlist since that bug just won't let go of me.

Three of my favorites that aren't pictured here and for some reason I cannot get on Amazon are:
Let It Snow by Boyz II Men
Someday At Christmas by Stevie Wonder
Please Come Home For Christmas by Charles Brown

So there you go.  That little Christmas bug has gotten me into the spirit.  It was nice listening to some of my favorites as I was writing this post and now I think the spirit of Christmas is in me for the season.  What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?

See where I'm Linking Up to share with others.

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