Thursday, June 18, 2015

International Picnic Day

Picture courtesy of my camera photo from a Target bag cover :)

So today is International Picnic Day.  I’m going to be honest with you.  I’d never heard of it until I saw the writing prompt for today’s post sponsored by the SITSgirls Stop the Summer Slump Challenge.  Of course, I had to Google it to learn more about it.  When I did, I was surprised to see that it was listed as one of The World’s Special Days.  It’s not that it’s any different from a regular picnic.  It’s a day set aside for everyone in the whole world to just relax in fellowship. 

Well that doesn’t seem too hard.  Only problem is, it feels like South Carolina has moved closer to the equator this week with our heat indices in the triple digits.  I am doing all I can to stay cool by not going outside this week.  So no outdoor picnics for me.  Maybe I can plan an indoor one.  Do I have enough time to get friends over?  Although its summer, many of my friends are still working.  I am also working a few hours a week, so I may not be able to pull this off.   

So what would I serve for my indoor picnic?  I definitely want to keep it basic.  I could make some turkey sandwiches cut into 4 bite sized pieces.  Maybe some crackers or pita chips with cheese or hummus.  That’s always a hit.  Oh, my pepperoni skewers.  So easy to make.  Just slide pepperoni and chunks of cheese onto a toothpick.  Maybe a bowl of olives and I would definitely need some nuts as a filler food.  And to wash it all down, a few bottles of red and white wine.  That should do the trick. 

Now, who am I kidding?  I will not be able to pull this off tonight.  It’s not about getting the food prepared, but everyone…including myself, has too much going on at this time to get together.  Well, I would have to say that international picnic day will have to be celebrated another year.  Next year, it is on a Saturday; June 18th to be exact.  Since I am now aware of it, I can definitely be more prepared for it.  Who knows?  Maybe PopUp Charleston will be held on that day next year.  J

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