Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bloggy Boot Camp Atlanta

I have been in a Post-Bloggy Bootcamp coma.  So much so, I began this post a week after the conference, went into complete shock,  and never recovered until now. There was so much to take in, in such  little time. Now don't get me wrong, I loved every single minute of it.

Getting back to work and back to blogging has proven to be a challenge.  This has been a busy time of year for me as a middle school counselor, but yet I feel the need to continue with my blogging.

I had the basic stuff that I needed for a boot camp which included a journal to jot down notes (Yes, I still prefer the regular paper/pencil style of note taking). I also had water and coffee, my tablet, smartphone and charger, chapstick, gum and bag to hold all my goodies.

  Sitting in a room with so many wonderfully, talented people and listening to the SITS girls explained to us all the various ways to earn money from our blog, was very... well...OVERWHELMING!!! I started feeling like I was in the wrong place. I did not feel like I belonged  anywhere in that room until we were asked, " Let me get a show of hands of those of you who have been blogging for a year or less" and "How many people are actually earning money from your blog?"  After that I felt more relieved. There were others in the room just like me.  At least a third were newbies and about half raised their hand to earning money.  The more people that spoke, the more inspired I became, but again it was a lot of information to take in. 

The conference ended with a fabulous cocktail party sponsored by Mirassou Winery and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. David Mirassou himself!!

  I was introduced to their delectable wine when I received a bottle for my birthday.  I began trying all of their flavors  and enjoyed every distinguishing taste. 

 Funny thing is, I learned about the SITS girls through my  research of Mirassou wine.  I would see postings on Google or through various blog links.  When I would look up ideas for Mirassou, many times I would see a connection with the SITS girls or bloggy bootcamp.  This peaked my curiosity and led me to attending this conference!

The five most important things that I took away from Bloggy Boot Camp are listed below and I hope this helps you if you ever attend an event.  

1)  Having the right essentials.  Instantly, I realized the most important tool needed at the conference... Business cards!!! Unfortunately I did not have any, but I will not leave home without them next time.  A great networking tool that I failed to complete. Every time someone pulled out their business card or placed them on the table, I realized all of my missed opportunities. 

2)  The importance of watermarking your pictures. This gives you ownership of your photos.

3) Using social media to link up with various people and to increase your tribe members.  I kept seeing the link ups on Facebook and I did a few here and there, but not as often as I should have. Linking up is how you build your blog, how you grow your fan base, and how you increase your views.

4)  The importance of Twitter.  Using social media is nothing new to me.  I am constantly perusing the posts of Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram and enjoy doing it.   However, Twitter is another story.  I have had a Twitter account for 5 years now, but for some reason...I'm just not that into it.  We seem to have some kind of love/hate relationship that I can't seem to shake, but I'm trying.

5)  Lastly, there was something that I already knew but just needed reassurance on, simply be yourself. Bring yourself into your writing. If you are true to yourself it will show and people will love you for who you are and if they don't... you can't please them all!  

Bloggy Boot Camp Atlanta has supplied me with the tools I need to become a better blogger.  They genuinely help others lend their voice to the world.  The conference was fun and I left with a wealth of knowledge to use to enhance my blog. I had a great time connecting with other bloggers and I'm so looking forward to next year's event!

Have you attended a SITS girls event?  What interesting things did you learn?  

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